function is needed.[Pause for now until we decided if to use SafeSnap)
// Governance params
timelock_: address(timelock), // "treasury" / 20 Gobblers in here?
nouns_: address(blobs), // address of blobs contract
vetoer_: address(foundersMsig),
admin_: address(foundersMsig), // can set voting delays, voting periods, thresholds
implementation_: address(implementation), // nouns governance V2 contract
votingPeriod_: 5 days, // time users can vote on proposal, 5 days
votingDelay_: 2 days, // delay from proposing until users can vote, 2 days
proposalThresholdBPS_: 0.25%, // proposalThresholdBPS * totalSupply / 1e4 required of msg.sender to _propose_, 25 bips = 0.25% (~1 blob)
// Dynamic Quorum
// nouns: 1000,1500,1_000_000
minQuorumVotesBPS: 0.1e4,
maxQuorumVotesBPS: 0.15e4,
quorumCoefficient: 1e6
<aside> 💡 We want to minimize governance. Set parameters and allow everyone to trigger transactions within them. Fund focus group e.g. for artist support like grants and pages.